Lifelong Learning, Open Educational Resources, Open-Source, Low-Cost or Free

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Call Center Training Online

Edwin "Ka Edong" Soriano of Technobiography recently posted about his friend's company which provides online training for Call Center agents. Since there is the outsourcing boom and new graduates and other job seekers are eager to to try their hand in this field, many apply for positions.

Sadly, their schooling provide little or no help when it comes to this field. Yuga posted about it here. Many students (me included) regarded oral communication as a "minor" subject. And now, BPO comes and we are not ready.

But going beyond the outsourcing phenomena, and going back to the methodology, are we seeing a trend of adopting to new modes of learning?

I wonder if we can translate that to modular nursing reviews .... Cheaper, less/no travel needed, lower overhead.

This could revolutionize the whole review industry.

See Ka Edong's entry here.


Anonymous said...

Hi this is zaki from Bangladesh. I am looking for a free call center training before applying on this field, Im currently looking for an accesible training site. Please contact me at 8802-01716967324 and E- mail address: Thanks and best regards

Anonymous said...

hi Raja here from UAE. i want free call center training. i am looking about this. Please Contact me at my email id: