Lifelong Learning, Open Educational Resources, Open-Source, Low-Cost or Free

Sunday, September 24, 2006

ADBi Distance Learning Courses: For FREE!

This is what I am talking about.

I took a course (again free!) called Online Community Information Services early this year and I gained a lot of insights. It covers mostly best practices and projects from all over Asia, including the Philippines. The deal is they send you the lectrue discs in VCD or DVD format and you just go through them at your own pace.

Then, you send through email or through the Learning Management System (LMS) the required papers/projects/assigments. And no surprise here: they are using Moodle! There is also the forum and the Admin/Facilitator, who was by the way very helpful and accomodating.

Now, I've applied to another course and hopefully get accepted.

Here are the details:

ADBi is offering a distance learning course on

eLearning Policies
16 October – 12 January 2006

E-Business Strategies
23 November 2006- – 23 February 2007

Go to this link:

I also plan to apply to the E-Business Strategy course, though it is still a few months away. My foucs now is on eLearning Policies, which is perfect timing for a program I am planning to propose early next year to my boss.

If you are interested, just go to Would PeLS members be intersted in this, specially the new ones (I've sent them an email too)?

And maybe, I'll be able to get in touch with ADB movers who will fund my idea of a Free eLearning School.

I think I just made One Step Forward.

1 comment: said...

i was online student of adbi since long time and want to start my classes again