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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I had a rough night.

We had power failure at 12MN. We were still in the dark as we went off for work. Which brings me to the topic of contingencies.

Contingency was a topic I was just reading last night for my entrepreneurship course. It talks of having options, alternate decisions, planning and worst case scenarios. At work, we have the business continuity plan which states that we should be able to operate and do processing for our client even if our mainframe gets compromised. At home, I had a rechargeable fan, fans, rechargeable light, candles, flashlight, batteries, food, etc. We still had difficulty sleeping comfortably, but at least the kids got more sleep. Maybe I should get another rechargeable fan for us, though I think its not worth it at this point. We can get by with one night of discomfort. And besides, this doesn't happen often, and is not life or death. What do you think?

Also, can contingencies be made for all types of business?

Take for example elearning. What if there is a power failure? A busted computer? a bad CD? Incorrect software?

My point: Contingency has cost. And it may not be apparent that it is worth it. Until things go haywire. You may get by without any contingency. But think of the opportunity to "show off" and gain the trust of your customer. And maybe more sales.

I better get that rechargeable fan later.

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