Lifelong Learning, Open Educational Resources, Open-Source, Low-Cost or Free

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Searching for the Pocket-friendly and Effective Elearning Tools

Searching the net for elearning, I found several tools for authoring, learning management systems (LMS), learning content management system (LCMS), test and quizzes software, help tools, multimedia applications, and other possible software for elearning.

I’ve had some experiences with several big names which also (to my mind) carry the heaviest burdens on the pocket. Admittedly, they are top-notch solutions for elearning development. They can cover content and learner databases, multimedia, usability, scalability, ease of use, portability and other features you might want in a system.

But there are also a lot of systems out there that may be right for your needs, and do just as good as the big names for a lesser price. And better yet, free.

Open-source, freeware and low-cost software: can we find quality tools for elearning among these?

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